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PreloaderJS is a tiny and very simple image preloading library, with the production version being under 600 bytes.

It is designed for the basic scenario where you have a list of image paths and you want to make sure all the images are loaded before proceeding further.
For example, you want to make a custom animated scene and you need all the images ready to go before starting the animation.



Basic usage

PreloaderJS requires an array of image paths and allows you to attach up to three different callbacks, namely onComplete, onSuccess and onError.

You can use only one or all of the above callbacks, depending on your needs. It is also possible to have multiple preload attempts without any problems.

    sources: ['img/1.jpg', 'img/2.jpg', 'img/3.jpg', 'img/4.jpg'],
    onComplete: your_onComplete_callback,
    onSuccess: your_onSuccess_callback,
    onError: your_onError_callback

onComplete (results, err)

This callback is triggered after a preloading attempt was done for all the files, even if only some were actually loaded.

It will be called even if some of the files were not preloaded, due to errors, and will return an object with the properties loaded and notLoaded, containg the paths to the files that were successfully loaded or not, and a boolean value that tells whether any errors were encountered or not.


    sources: ['img/does-not-exist.jpg', 'img/exists.jpg'],
    onComplete: function (result, hasErrors) {

        if (hasErrors) {
            console.log('All files preloaded, some with errors, some successfully');

            var imagesNotLoadedList = result.notLoaded.join(', ');
            console.log('Files not preloaded: ' + imagesNotLoadedList);
            // will log "img/does-not-exist.jpg"

            var imagesLoadedList = result.loaded.join(', ');
            console.log('Files preloaded: ' + imagesLoadedList);
            // will log "img/exists.jpg"

        } else {

            console.log('All files were loaded');

onSuccess (results)

This callback is triggered only if all the files were successfully preloaded.

It will return an object with the properties loaded and notLoaded, same as onComplete.


    sources: ['img/exists.jpg', 'img/also-exists.jpg'],
    onSuccess: function (result) {
        console.log('All files preloaded');

onError (results)

This callback is triggered if some of the files could not be preloaded.

It will return an object with the properties loaded and notLoaded, same as onComplete.


    sources: ['img/exists.jpg', 'img/does-not-exist.jpg', 'img/does-not-exist-either.jpg'],
    onError: function (result) {
        var imagesNotLoadedList = result.notLoaded.join(', ');
        console.log('Files not preloaded: ' + imagesNotLoadedList);
        // will log "img/does-not-exist.jpg, img/does-not-exist-either.jpg"

Browser support

Any modern browser (to be updated)